New Season + New Backpack …

Is it weird that I’m getting sentimental about a backpack?

The school has been reminding me in a friendly (but persistent way) that it was time for a new bag.  I’m always a bit delayed with getting the memo on these things.   Although her first one served her faithfully, we’ve gotten to the point where she’s just outgrown in it.  Part of me knows I shouldn’t be surprised – I mean, they grow fast at that age.  I see it every day.  Plus, they put crazy wear and tear on those bags.  But part of me can’t believe that we’ve come so far.

Backpacks are essential gear for toddlers in forest school in Denmark.

Since they are in school year-round, we don’t have the traditional trappings of “and now this school year is over” so the retirement of this bag, which has been her daily companion since she started a year and a half ago, is the closest thing we have to progressing to the next step.  These bags are home to their lunches and water bottles and a change of clothes and dry socks and the ever-present rain outfit.  More than occasionally, a pile of sand or a collection of rocks seems to find a home in their too.


When I look back at when she first started on her first day, that bag seemed huge…almost overwhelming for her little frame… and heavy… She definitely wasn’t used to hours of walking  – with or without –  a pack.  Now, she flings it on and off as if it were full of nothing but popcorn.  Though make no mistake, the minute I should up for pick up, it’s “Mommy, can you carry my bag? It’s so heaaaavvvvvyyyyy!”  even though it is the least heavy it has been all day.  As sturdy as those forest schoolers are, they all still know a sucker when they see one, and I factor at the top of that list.

Now, this 6 liter bag seems tiny, and barely able to contain the things she needs for the day.  It’s been through the wash at least a hundred times, and while it held up like a champ, it’s starting to show the fray that inevitably comes when your owner is a toddler.  Still, I have a soft spot for that little pouch of red that follows her out every morning.

As the toddlers get bigger, all that gear gets bigger, and eventually the bag needs to as well.  It’s inevitable.  Ten liters are where we’re at now.  However, it’s not just in liters that we’ve grown.  We gained 4 liters of volume, but that doesn’t even begin to describe how much she’s gained in confidence and independence and resilience.  Maybe that’s why I’m getting so sentimental about this brightly colored collection of nylon and straps.  As it turns out, a lot can happen when you gain 4 liters.

Photo-Duet-2So we’re on to the bigger and better.  Out with the red, and in with the purple.  She chose it all herself, proudly wearing it in the car the day we bought it.  Which is a good thing – at these Danish prices, we should be getting every minute of wear that we can out of it! I’m considering making her sleep in it.  We’re shifting into a new season, and a new year so to speak – here is to her new companion.  Adventure is out there!

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Out + About: Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde

You can’t think of Denmark and not think of Vikings.  Forests and the sea have always factored heavily into providing for needs here, and when there wasn’t enough, well, they just popped on a ship and sailed away to get some more.  And there’s still a fair amount of viking culture here – hearty, pull yourself up by your bootstraps but mind the collective type stuff…. Maybe that’s part of the reason why forest schools are so popular here.

A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers.

It’s been on our list get a little more into this Viking business while we’re here in Denmark and a couple of weeks ago, we finally made it out to Roskilde for the Viking Ship Museum.  The full write-up is on the other blog, but in summary, the museum is dedicated to the reconstitution of 5 Viking vessels scuttled in the Roskilde fjord.  But from a children’s adventure perspective? This is pretty much your chance to imagine yourself a Viking.

A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers. A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers.

At the end of the Viking Ship hall are two viking ship replicas, for kids to jump on and jump off, and commandeer, and pretend.  Best part of all? There is a full closet of Viking costumery that you can don (and your parents can too), to include faux fur-lined pelts, shields that only the heartiest forest school soul could actually lift, and linen under-layers which made this particular mother think that Vikings probably weren’t the cleanest seamen across the ages. In the background are Viking re-enactments projected onto the wall with ocean waves crashing for that full adventure feeling.

A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers. A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers. A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers. A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers.

The result though was one very happy, imaginative toddler.  Whatever energy we didn’t use up in the costume room, she killed off with a long walk on the Roskilde harbor.  A boardwalk lines the water with lovely views over the boats (and not just viking ones), and a nature float lets kids examine all sorts of sea critters in the little watering holes if they flow in.  And yes, ice cream is definitely the perfect end to the day.

A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers. A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers. A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers. A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers. A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers. A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers. A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers. A visit to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark is perfect for toddlers.

Happy Summer!

In the states, Memorial Day (yesterday) is the unofficial start to the summer.  School wraps up and vacation plans take off.   As luck would have it, it was also a holiday here, though for different reasons, but we couldn’t help thinking that summer had finally arrived.  Bring on the ice cream and the field trips and the long, long hours of sunlight.  We’re  still deciding on our own plans (though we got a little head start with a long weekend in Mallorca last week), but that doesn’t mean that the forest school adventures will stop for the season.

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Here in Denmark, forest school actually goes on year-round.  As a parent, can I tell you what a lifesaver that is?  Classes get smaller in July and August as most kids rotate out for their own family breaks (and here in Denmark, most families take a 2-3 week solid block), but the schools are open and the kids are out and about.  So keep checking back, we’ll have more posts here.  In the meantime, we wish all the readers a wonderful start to their summer season – it is, after all, the perfect time to get outside and explore!